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Tips to Effectively Lower a Child’s Fever


A child having a fever can cause panic or worry to parents, especially for first-timers. However, children’s fever is actually not rare and can often be remedied at home. Here are the things you or your caregiver providing personal care services in Virginia can do to bring down a child’s fever:

  • Sponge bath: Give the feverish child a lukewarm sponge bath. Don’t use rubbing alcohol or cold water.
  • Fluids: Let the child drink lots of fluids to avoid dehydration due to the high temperature.
  • Comfort: Does your child appear to be having the chills? Cover them with a light sheet. Don’t use thick blankets as this may cause the child to suffocate instead.
  • Dress: It can make your child feel more comfortable if you remove unnecessary clothing. Opt to dress the child in breathable, lightweight clothing.
  • Medicine: Check for fever-reducing medications. There are over-the-counter acetaminophen and ibuprofen developed specifically for children. Be sure to ask the pharmacist or call your pediatrician to confirm the medication as well as the correct dosage to give to your little one.

Just a reminder from our home care agency in Stafford, Virginia; make sure you call 911 if the child is showing these signs:

  • Limp or unresponsive
  • Breathing difficulties
  • Has blue skin or lips
  • Has a seizure
  • Vomiting
  • Has stiff neck or headache

You’ll need to call the doctor if:

  • The child has a temperature of 100.4 F or higher.
  • The child has severe diarrhea or is vomiting repeatedly.
  • The child has signs of dehydration.

Live With A Purpose Home Care LLC promotes better care for our pediatric loved ones. Give us a call if you want to hire certified nursing assistants.

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